From Isolation to Community
Some preliminary thoughts on a “renewed vision” for Christian community.
On Lying and Politics
My review of Hannah Arendt’s slim volume on politics and truth-telling.
Jeffrey Munroe and others on the stewardship of pain.
Werner Herzog's (mostly) true story about a committed lieutenant.
Rowan Williams on how we learned to be the people we are.
Some preliminary thoughts on a “renewed vision” for Christian community.
Myles Werntz on the God we know and yet do not fully understand.
My review of Hannah Arendt’s slim volume on politics and truth-telling.
Remembering my grandpa on the day he would have turned 100.
Paul Yamazaki on the joys of reading books—and talking about books.
Snippets from a First Nations anthology.
Some preliminary thoughts on Annie Dillard’s literary theory.
My review of Jonathan Blitzer’s masterful, moving book.
Marilyn Chandler McEntyre on the vocation of the artist.
Some preliminary thoughts on “a memoir of things lost and found.”
Leif Enger's defiantly joyful dystopian novel.
Patrick Bringley on responding to the peculiar power of art.