Keys to Bonhoeffer’s Haus
A short review of Laura Fabrycky's magnificent book Keys to Bonhoeffer's Haus.
Compassion (&) Conviction
A few words on Compassion (&) Conviction by the team behind the AND Campaign.
Call For Justice
My review of Call for Justice by Kurt Ver Beek and Nicholas Wolterstorff.
Evangelicals on the Canterbury Trail
A few words in praise of Robert Webber’s classic introduction to Anglicanism.
The Feast of the Goat
Brief thoughts on Mario Vargas Llosa’s The Feast of the Goat. (TL;DR I’m disturbed.)
U2 at the End of the World
My review of Bill Flanagan’s woefully underappreciated (and now out of print) book about U2’s weirdest era.