Caring for Words
My review of Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies by Marilyn Chandler McEntyre.
Brief thoughts on “a peoples’ history” of the often pitiable Seattle Mariners.
Waging Heavy Peace
26 words on a disappointing book by a singer-songwriter I truly admire.
The Future of the Suburban City
A few words on Grady Gammage, Jr.’s book about the future of Phoenix.
Public Faith in Action
My review of Public Faith in Action by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz.
Not Irretrievable
Thoughts on beauty and brokenness, prompted by Matt Zoller Seitz’s The Wes Anderson Collection.
The Justice Calling
My review of The Justice Calling by Bethany Hanke Hoang and Kristen Deede Johnson.
The Wes Anderson Collection
A few words on Matt Zoller Seitz’s book celebrating the filmography of Wes Anderson.
American Apocalypse
A few words on Matthew Avery Sutton’s history of American evangelicalism.
The Teammates
A few words on David Halberstam’s book about the friendship between former Red Sox players.