God is For the Poor
Andy Crouch on how God uses the powerless and the powerful for kingdom purposes.
Telling the Story With Integrity
The best judges of our storytelling are the people whose stories are told.
24 Photos From Guatemala
Some of my favorites from Guatemala City, Panajachel, and Antigua.
The Stories We Carry With Us
We bloggers now carry with us the stories we were invited to share.
Crossing the Line (Guatemala Day 3)
Each colonia in La Limonada is controlled by a gang. They aren’t in the habit of forgiving trespassers.
Up For Grabs (Guatemala Day 2)
The children in La Limonada's academies represent the future of the community, and that future is up for grabs.
Complicating Religion (Guatemala Day 1)
It struck me that needlessly complicating religion is often precisely what I do.
The World Is Not Ours to Save
My review of Tyler Wigg-Stevenson’s The World Is Not Ours to Save.
Five Books About Guatemala
To understand Guatemala in all its beauty and brokenness today, we need to grapple with its painful history. These books do that.
Interview with Andy Crouch [Video]
In this conversation, Andy discusses what intrigues him about Phoenix and why we should care about the common good.
The Flourishing of Phoenix
When you see downtown Phoenix today, be kind. It’s survived a lot.
Guatemala Bloggers Trip
I’m heading to Guatemala with Lemonade International as part of its inaugural bloggers trip.
Unexpected Gifts
A conversation with a friend about Chris Heuertz’s new book Unexpected Gifts.
You’re Invited to Common Good PHX
A two-day event stirring our imaginations to consider how we can serve the common good of Phoenix through our vocations.
Vocations and Sub-Vocations
Cornelius Plantinga on the many ways we are called to serve God and neighbor.
Neither Triumphalism Nor Despair
Brief thoughts on Cornelius Plantinga’s excellent book Engaging God’s World.