Universal History
Lesslie Newbigin on the Bible’s “unique interpretation of universal history.”
Missional Distinctiveness
Brief thoughts from Christopher J.H. Wright’s The Mission of God’s People.
Introducing Hiinga
An interview with Andy Kristian, founder of the social enterprise Hiinga.
Holistic Discipleship
A Latin American gathering focused on incarnational ministry with a commitment to holistic discipleship.
Baseball in the Time of Cholera
A 28-minute documentary bringing attention to the cholera crisis in Haiti.
Walking with the Poor
My review of the second edition of Walking with the Poor by Bryant Myers.
Christian Mission and Social Justice
Thoughts on Christian Mission and Social Justice, an out-of-print book by Samuel Escobar and John Driver.
The New Conquistadors
A storytelling project on mining from The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting and the CBC.
Forgiveness and Justice
Eugene Peterson on seeking justice, but giving forgiveness the last word.