I believe humans are meaning-making creatures.

I believe our stories are worth remembering.

I believe the meek shall inherit the earth.

I believe the stewardship of mystery is a holy calling.

I believe in the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.

I’m glad you’re here.

“This is Home”

For Araceli, home is a place where her family is safe. It's a place where her kids can be themselves. It's a place for making memories and sharing meals, where there's always room for one more.

I wrote and co-directed this short film with the cinematographer Daniel Pérez Robinson.

If collectively we are to move past the indifference and the cruelty, we will need to learn the stories of actual immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. Which is to say, we will need to reject the caricatures. The best way to do that is to befriend people who have left homes and loved ones and livelihoods—almost always at great cost—to start over in a strange new land. But reading three-dimensional stories of such survivors is perhaps a good first step.

Featured Review

  • Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid.

    Frederick Buechner

  • We are disastrously erring and rebellious, and irreducibly sacred. And God is mindful of us.

    Marilynne Robinson

  • La esperanza nos acompaña / Con ella nada nos puede detener / Yo de tu mano, tú de la mía / No hay nada que temer.

    Gaby Moreno

  • Faith has a lot to do with the simple fact that there are trustworthy lives to be seen.

    Rowan Williams

  • Loving language means cherishing it for its beauty, precision, power to enhance understanding, power to name, power to heal. And it means using words as instruments of love.

    Marilyn McEntyre

  • You don't give people dignity, you affirm it.

    John M. Perkins

  • The life of faith isn't meant for tourists. It's meant for pilgrims.

    Eugene H. Peterson

  • Hay muchas cosas que sólo pueden ser vistas a través de los ojos que han llorado.

    Óscar Romero

  • God hears the cry of the oppressed before calling for our involvement. God makes the first move.

    Jayakumar Christian

  • Wonder is the precondition for all wisdom.

    Christian Wiman

  • You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.


  • God does not take away our past; God gives it back to us—fragments gathered, stories reconfigured, selves truly redeemed, people forever reconciled.

    Miroslav Volf

  • There is a crack in everything / That's how the light gets in.

    Leonard Cohen

  • Why were the things that were closest so often the hardest to see?

    Claire Keegan

  • Every lament is a love-song.

    Nicholas Wolterstorff

  • It's love that keeps the world alive / Beyond hate's genius to contrive.

    Wendell Berry